Who am I?

Made in Caracas, Venezuela
Lived in Netanya, Israel
Studied in Barcelona, Spain
Living in Saõ Paulo, Brazil
Who knows where I’ll be next...

I Love traveling and discovering new cultures. I truly believe that you can always learn something new from every person you meet in your life, and that all the experiences, good or bad, made me into the person I am today.

I started my career focusing in graphic design, until the day I discovered the world of experience & interaction design.
My goal is to develop user center platforms that will be useful, accessible and meaningful for the costumer.

desktop showing the website

My studies

Master Degree in Digital Experiences
BAU, Design College of Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain

Bachelor Degree in Visual Communication
Holon Institiute of Technology
Holon, Israel (2013-2017)

Work Exp.

MedRoom (Present)
UX/UI Designer
Working for MedRoom as user experience designer, I work designing the institutional materials, the app, web and VR system

U.D.I (6M)
UX/UI Designer
My job was to design experiences that are user center, I created the style guides, prototypes, design of the interface, for different types of projects such as medical apps, HR softwares & more.

Pro.Agency (9M)
Graphic Designer
Part of the design team for the FC Barcelona, Celsa, Unilever and other small projects.

Freelancer (2Y)
Graphic Designer
Branding projects, social media, logo, business cards...